Monday, January 24, 2011


I could never do this alone. Here are some of the things that have made Jeff awesome during this process:
  • He has given me shots for almost 60 days. Shots with a 3 inch needle, not the fun alcoholic kind. (BTW - we are done with shots! My bottom is thankful!)
  • He thinks it's funny when I burp...which I do frequently.
  • He doesn't get offended if I suddenly cannot stomach what he made for dinner, opting for toast or cereal instead.
  • He has been an amazing listener (and we know I like to talk).
  • He has been so optimistic and cheerful, even when I've been apprehensive.
  • He cooks dinner. Almost every night. And it's super healthy for me and baby.
  • He bought me flowers on the day we learned I was pregnant.
  • He's driven with me to another state multiple times to see our specialist.
  • He knows that when I fall asleep on the couch at 8:30pm, it isn't because he's's because this baby making is work. :)
  • He's reading his own book on pregnancy so he's ready and in the know, too.
I could go on and probably will at some point, but I think you are getting the idea. So let's all thank Jeff for being so stinkin' awesome!!

Symptoms are Fun!

I have to say that I feel like I'm pretty lucky in the symptom department when it comes to this pregnancy. I've only had a couple of days where I felt truly terrible. Otherwise, I'm doing ok. I give credit to my hearty Irish heritage. Thanks ancestors!

The two most prevalent symptoms have been feeling tired (ok, exhausted!) and some championship burping. If I could go back in time and challenge my bro to a burping duel, I might just win. Jeff thinks the burping is hilarious. Although I've been getting used it, I still think of it as pretty gross.

I've also had some heartburn, really dry skin, some extra saliva (I didn't think this symptom had claimed me until I accidentally spit on my co-worker's desk --- twice. Eek!), an aversion to some foods, and a serious case of sensitivity to certain smells. That's it. I'll take it.

Bye Bye Fertility Specialists

Ta da! 9 week old baby photo taken on January 19. So photogenic! The head is to the left with baby's little arms all tucked up under the chin. So cute already! :) In this ultrasound the baby measures 2 cm. Holy tininess, batman!

Last week we had our final visit at the fertility specialist office. The pregnancy is progressing along normally so we will begin seeing a regular ol' obstetrician. Although I will miss the nurses and Dr. J (we've been with them for 2.5 years), it's great to be a normal pregnant person now. Well, except for my age. As we talked with the nurse about our OB options, she mentioned my age as a factor in our selection a gazillion times (or maybe 3-4...but sheesh!). Anyways, February will bring a pre-natal class and our first visit with our OB's Nurse Practitioner. Hoorah, hoorah!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The baby is already getting photos taken! Knowing us and how we like to take pictures, this should not be a surprise.

7w1d, taken during our first ultrasound on 1/5/11:

As you can imagine, seeing a photo of this little bumble bee looking baby was an incredible moment for us. After all of the doctors, appointments, shots, meds, drives to Indianapolis, etc., we are so appreciative and happy for this moment to come.

Thanks to each of you for the support, prayers, positive thoughts, and love that you have shared with us through the process of getting pregnant. We're happy to accept them throughout the pregnancy as well. :)

Blogging: A Solution

Dilemma: We want to include our family members and friends in the adventure of expanding our family but we all live in different parts of the country.

Solution: A blog!

Yup...this here is our family blog. For you, for us, for fun, for posterity (ok-that might be a little dramatic, but you get the drift). Welcome! Enjoy! Comment!