Thursday, April 28, 2011

Baby Wearing

I've been doing quite a bit of reading about baby wearing - the practice of wearing the baby in a sling or carrier. It is something that is really appealing to me and we are totally going to try it out. Luckily I have a friend from book club who is a baby-wearer and, as a result, has been a great resource. This week she even came over to the house with her different wraps along with a fake baby so we could try them out. She also brought her baby boy, who very eagerly allowed himself to be wrapped by mommy for the demonstration! After that experience, I'm even more excited about baby wearing.

For your viewing pleasure, here is Jeff with "baby" wrapped all up.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Moving and Shaking

I've been able to feel the baby moving around and it is really amazing. I love it. Last night, while Jeff and I were laying in bed, Baby Girl BH was really moving and shaking. I wasn't sure if Jeff would be able to feel any of it, but these were the most significant movements I had felt so far. I took his hand, put it on my belly, and waited to see if he could feel anything. No go. He couldn't feel anything.


3 big kicks in a row! And Jeff felt them all. It. was. awesome. We're excited for more moments like that.

Registering for Baby

We successfully registered for Baby Girl BH! I'm so glad we went in prepared because I can definitely see how overwhelming it could be. But we did our research and had our lists so things were smooth sailing. Take that, Babies R Us! *karate chop* Hopefully we really have been thorough and this isn't false confidence!

I was disappointed that Babies R Us didn't carry many books. So I went ahead and started a registry on Amazon for books. I guess the English major in me still lives on. :) If you have books that your little ones loved, please let me know what they are so we can add it to our list.

Foods That Give Me Heartburn

All of them.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Favorite Word

We had another ultra sound this week. I'd love to have one of those machines at home so I could see Baby BH every day. She is still measuring well and developing normally. The word "normal" has become my new favorite word. Normal baby development is sweet music to my ears. Here is a very normal profile pic. You can see her hand just coming into the picture.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Having a baby requires self control

There are a lot of little baby things available to buy everywhere I go. Everywhere. Every. Where. There are adorable dresses, cuddly sleepers, cozy blankets, playful rompers, personalized onsies...the list goes on. It takes quite a bit of control to not buy it all. Right now.

We have gotten some fun packages in the mail from friends and family, which does help me to contain my urges a bit. So thanks ya'll! Thanks for thinking of us and Baby Girl BH - and for helping me not to go c r a z y buying super cute baby things whenever I see them.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Song and Dance

Some days I want to jump and dance around singing, "I'm having a baby!!!"

Today is one of those days.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How long until I can't see my shoes? And allergies.

I thought it would be fun to start taking pics to see how long it takes for my feet to disappear from my view. This pic was tough to take. I don't feel like my belly looks as big as the camera does from this particular angle. 21weeks and I can still see them.

Also, it's allergy season! I'm being hearkened back to what it was like before I took allergy medicine. Although I'm happy to abstain from the meds for Baby BH, I'm thankful for modern medicine and the allergy meds that have come as a result of it. Sniffle, cough, sniffle, cough.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Half Way Mark

It is hard to believe it, but I have reached the halfway mark of my pregnancy! 20 weeks yesterday! Right now I am of the mindset that it is all going by too darn quickly. And with each day that goes by without issue and each appointment that shows a healthy baby growing, I become more and more grateful. Love, love, love this baby already.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

You Wanna See Something Reeeaaally Scary?

So this isn't the Twilight Zone, but the truth of the matter is that sometimes ultrasound pictures are creepy. Check out our creepy love bug here. She's looking right at you! Baby Girl BH weighs in at 12 ounces and everything is developing normally. Her brain was gorgeous (smart already, right??) and her heart beating away at 146 bmp.