Tuesday, February 14, 2012

6 Months!

6 months old
16lbs 12 oz
24 7/8 inches

This month I am especially struck by Nora's milestones in life. It has had me thinking back on what she was like when we brought her home from the hospital and what she is like now.

When Nora was born our goal was to get her to finish an ounce. Now she is starting on solids. In August she was wearing preemie clothes and now she is close to fitting into six month outfits. After bringing Nora home, due to feedings, we only slept three hours at a time. Now Nora goes to be at 7pm, has a bottle at 10:30pm, and then sleeps until 6:30 or 7am (most of the time anyway!). When awake, Nora spends her time sitting up, trying to stand (this is really giving my arms a workout), grabbing the dogs, chewing on her hands and toys, smiling, holding onto her feet, laughing, pulling my hair, "talking", and attacking us with her mouth (I think she's trying to kiss us).

Some things haven't changed. Nora still does not like tummy time and doesn't care to push herself up with her arms (even though she has the ability to do so). Our pediatrician says she won't be surprised if Nora doesn't show much interest in crawling and moves to walking when the times comes. She also said that happy babies (like Nora!) are less interested in rolling over because life is just peachy as is. Ha! She does try to roll over pretty regularly though. She just doesn't know what to do with her arm and ends up just chilling out on her side.

One thing remains, and that is how sweet our little girl is. Although it doesn't even seem possible, we love her more every day.

Friday, February 3, 2012

New York: The Milestones

While in NY, Nora decided to show off a bit. First she sat up on her own. And she stayed sitting up! I frantically called to Jeff to get the camera to capture the moment. Then she did it again on another day. She looks pretty comfortable, doesn't she?

Nora also rolled over from her tummy to her back. She did this for her Great Gam Gam. We were on tummy time and Great GG asked me to prop her arms under her. I did and sure enough she pushed herself over. She did it two other times, too. What a show off, huh? :)

These milestones are exciting to be witness to...and they are a reminder of how fast time is moving along with our baby girl. Slow down, time. Slow down.

New York: The Family

Nora made her first appearance in Upstate New York and had the opportunity to meet so many of our family members. Aunts, cousins, grandparents, great grandparents, family friends, more cousins, and a childhood friend of mine. It was so nice for everyone to get to be with the sweet, snuggly, cheerfulness that is Nora. I was especially excited for my Grandmother to meet her since she is who Nora is named for.

Plus there was triple chocolate cake. :)

Here are a few snap shots of our time together:

Nora & Pop Pop enjoying Saturday morning cartoons.

4 Generations (Wells)
Nora, Aunt Marge, Me, Grandma Wells

4 Generations (Bendon)
Aunt Mary Anne, Great Gam Gam, Nora, Me

Aunt Agnes, Great Gam Gam, and Nora

Our First Flight

It's a bird! It's a plane...yup! It's a plane. And Nora got on it and she owned it.

We cannot believe how well Nora did while flying. The flight attendants were all enamored with her sweet smile and rosy cheeks. She was friendly with the passengers nearby. She ate well, she slept well, and didn't fuss one bit. Not even on our flight back when, in Atlanta, we had a delay and three (yes, THREE) gate changes! I hope that this is a trend that continues during future trips.