The spring-time weather we have been hoping for hasn't been consistent enough to be able to spend very much time outside so we are trying to get creative indoors. In addition to playing with our toys, we've started to get crafty!
We started out with crayons and stickers, or as Nora calls them, "sticks." Her favorite way to play with the "sticks" is to peel them all off and put them all on Mommy and Daddy.
It's still a little early for Nora to play with the manufactured play doh, but I found a recipe for "chocolate" play doh that I can whip up on the stove in 5 minutes. It smells wonderful and tastes terrible, but at least if Nora tries to eat it it's just flour, salt, cocoa, etc. She likes it when we make "baby rocks" (tiny balls) and when we chop it with her little tools.
Playing with "chocolate" play-doh |
Each month we get a box from this company called "
Citrus Lane"that contains a collection of products to try out. This month's box contained a paint with water book. I remember having one of those as a kid and just loved it. Although Nora's attention span with this particular craft was a little short, she still had fun and kept saying, "Paint, paint. Mommy, paint."
Painting with water |
On the few days we have been able to spend a little time outside, Nora has had fun scribbling with her side walk chalk. She says, "Daw. Nora Daw. Mommy Daw." and it just makes my heart warm (as I stand freezing in the windy Spring air).
"Daw" with side walk chalk |