Friday, October 21, 2011

A couple of firsts

This week Jeff and I took Nora on her first trip. Although I am still on maternity leave, I had a work event that was important to me. Since it wasn't far to travel (a hotel by the Chicago airport), Jeff and I decided we would all go. It was a bit of an experiment, giving us a chance to see what it would be like to take a short trip with Nora as well as see what it would be like to work with her around while away from home.

Nora was a pro at traveling and hotel-staying. I suppose this shouldn't surprise us too much given we are her parents. :) She also won the hearts of all the people who were at my work event. Again, no surprise because she is so darn adorable!

Jeff was able to spend some really good one-on-one Daddy-Daughter time with Nora, something he really hasn't had much of due to the recovery of his shoulder surgery. They had a great time playing, singing, and dancing. He says she is a fan of Hall and Oates. During nap times, Jeff was able to do some work, too.

I'm also happy to report that Jeff changed his first diaper (a poopy one at that!). He even texted me that it was a "piece of cake!" I interpret this as a green light for Jeff to start changing diapers now. Wooo hoooo!

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